Security Advice 1

When you are seeking security advice, please seek the services of a independent advisor, as this person who will do a holistic overview of your security within your business building.

If someone is tied up with the Alarm area, locksmith, windows etc, they will often direct your security towards the service they offer.

When it comes to security, we need to understand the threat your business is under for example break ins through doors, glass windows etc, once we understand all the risks, then a security action plan can be developed.

Unfortunately just because you put cameras in the building, it does not mean someone wont break into your building, cameras are great for the police investigations, alarms can be great as they tell the police what time the break in occurred, however they might act as a deterent depending on what else is in the street. Not one method will always stop the break in occuring, sometimes you need multiple level of security to better protect your business.

If you are concerned with the security in your building, now is the time to be proactive and reach out to the team at SGH Security Services if you are in Victoria or an advisor who is close to your location, and licenced for the advice they are providing.