Testing your Processes.

It is important within your business operations, you know your processes actually work and are sufficient for your business.
For example you might have a Evacuation process/ procedures in place, and whilst it might be the best written document, if it has not been tested you might now know for sure if it actually works or not.

Another reason we test the procedures is knowing what training you need to offer your staff to ensure you have the right person in the right job, or the staff have the right skills to do the task, e.g. having a person checking a fire panel, who knows nothing about the fire panel, might not be the right person, or have the right skills. However it is with testing your procedures, we can ascertain the skill gaps which might exist within the business, and we can work towards finding the appropriate training to ensure everyone has the right skills required.

Other gaps which might appear could be using a Fire extinhuisher, and where sufficient staff are trained to use the extinguishers etc, or do you need to train more people who understand which appliance to for which fire. Other you could be training all staff, to have the ability to use a extinguisher and whilst this could work, it is also the extra expense in providing the training.

Feel free to contact the team at SGH Security Services to discuss which of your processes/ procedures you want to test, and we will assist you in planning and implementing the test, and provide feedback on improvements which can be considered.